🔓Post ICO Listing and Vesting periods

Lockup and release schedule



Sales at $0.01

5% unlocked immediately after the last token of Round 1 vested

30% vest daily over 6 months starting at day 31 after current Round unlocked; each 5% of the last 65% vest monthly

Round 1

Sales at $0.024

5% unlocked immediately after the last token of Round 2 vested

50% vest daily over 6 months starting at day 31 after current Round unlocked; each 5% of the last 45% vest monthly

Round 2

Sales at $0.05

5% unlocked immediately after the last token of Round 3 vested

70% vest daily over 6 months starting at day 31 after current Round unlocked; each 5% from the last 25% vest monthly

Round 3

Sales at $0.08

5% unlocked immediately after the last token of Round 4 vested

95% vest daily over 6 months starting at day 31 after current Round unlocked

Round 4

Sales at $0.2

5% unlocked immediately after the last token of Round 5 vested

95% vest daily over 6 months starting at day 31 after current Round unlocked

Round 5

Sales at $0.24

5% unlocked at listing

95% vest daily over 6 months starting at day 31 after listing

End of the Tokensale

Price at $0.24

165,000,000 Pawā unlocked for de/centralised exchanges

Exchange listing

Offering starts at $0.5

165,000,000 Pawā separated between multiple exchanges


Team unlock period starts

Team tokens unlocks every 31 day since the date of the first exchange listing by 5% of total Team lockup.

Last updated