Problem and Trends

It is the high cost and block difficulty of cryptocurrency mining. Cryptocurrency mining requires significant computational power, which can be expensive to purchase and operate. Additionally, it can be difficult for individual miners to compete with larger mining operations, which have access to more powerful equipment and economies of scale.

BeMine aims to make cryptocurrency mining more accessible and profitable for individuals by offering a platform that allows them to mine cryptocurrencies online without having to own or operate expensive equipment directly. The platform provides access to state-of-the-art mining equipment and pools together the resources of multiple small-scale miners to improve their chances of earning rewards from mining activities.

In addition, BeMine also provides the opportunity for users to purchase shares of mining equipment, which can be a more affordable and cost-effective way to enter the cryptocurrency mining market.

BeMine's solution to the problem of high costs and block difficulty in cryptocurrency mining aims to make it more accessible to a wider range of individuals and to enable more people to benefit from the potential rewards of cryptocurrency mining. The issue also has a trust component to it. We must make sure that our money is always in trustworthy hands when we give it to other people. It is also impossible to avoid regulation in this situation because users must be able to defend their ownership of the equipment if necessary. And BeMine usually fulfills these requirements.

From our point of view, the aforementioned trends signify the need for a reliable intermediary specialized in cryptocurrency mining. Such an intermediary should take into account both the current circumstances and the specifics of the market as a whole and cryptocurrency mining in particular.

Last updated